A date with Betty C...
So first of all, I got some help from Betty Louise (I bet that’s her middle name) Crocker. She supplied me with some basic yellow cake mix to start with – not a huge fan, but wait, it gets better. As I mixed in the eggs, butter, and milk, I drizzled in some peanut butter. Not too much, but just enough.
Then I put the cake in a small circular pan so it would make a nice big round cake that I could slice in two. I always love cakes that have a surprise layer in the middle.
Easy enough, I melted some peanut butter in the microwave (for like 45 seconds or else it burns – ew) and mixed it in with some dark chocolate icing. This acted as the creamy middle between the two cake layers.
Then I frosted the entire cake with more of the same dark chocolate icing. The final touch? Some more PB, obviously. I heated it up in a bowl and drizzled it like crazy on the top and sides of the cake. Talk about classy looking. I popped it in the fridge so that the peanut butter would harden a bit, and then I cut a slice and bit in. Delicious.