Market Pasta!
Market time again! Today I came back with some fresh asparagus, both green and white. Two euros for both -- quite the bargain. I also picked up a kilo of cherry tomatoes and a half kilo of mushrooms before settling on some Spanish strawberries. It was a success, all at 7 euros (not even $10)
So how to enjoy all of this was the next step. Whenever I think of asparagus I think of pasta, because the delicious snap swimming in a sea of soft linguinni just does it for me. So I set the pasta water over some heat and chopped up my asparagus and mushrooms.
You need to find where the asaparagus will naturally snap towards the base, that way you know how to trip off the bottoms. It's pretty easy. Apparently you're supposed to peel white asparagus because they are tougher, but I didn't think this was needed. I sauteed them all up in some olive oil, with a little diced shallot, salt, and pepper. Voila!
Once the pasta was done, I drained it and added to the pan> Then I hit it with some grated Parmesan cheese and light cream, making a light white sauce. I tossed it all together and, well, I enjoyed it. Delicious!