Breaking eggs to break ice...
So when an American is invited to meet a French significant other’s family member (not me, lest the rumors begin) for the first time, the stress runs high. How to make a good impression on this family member? What to wear? What to talk about? What to bring to the picnic?
I can answer none of these, except for the last one. When it comes to bringing a food item for a picnic, any American in
Voila the results. I thank my friend for her ganaching skills and congratulate her on her newfound talent for pastry bagging (that sounds dirty…). The lavender cakes are floral, springy goodness. The vanilla cakes with dark the dark chocolate covering are exquisite and classic, like mom’s. Well, I imagine if my mom made ganache, it would have tasted like this…
Anyway, yum!
I hope they succeed in impressing the family member tomorrow, or else there is no hope of an eventual engagement ring…