We May Be Rushing Things...Parsnips and Other Fun
There are certain things that make a man happy. Beer. Hunting. Football. Ladies that dance provocatively and make a kick-ass risotto. Right?
This week, I discovered three more things that have made me giddy with glee. Out of context, like, they are not funny. Situated in front of an expat in Paris , they are things that exude excitement, moving a certain little American boy to near tears of joy. Or maybe it’s just me…
Root veggies galore... |
1. American Christmas radio: I know, “It’s too early.” You can all say that. You are all wrong. When I discovered that my childhood radio station out of Philadelphia , B101.1, was already playing nonstop Christmas tunes and that I could listen to it online, I lost it. The final straw was when the station played the Muppet’s rendition of the “12 Days of Christmas.”
All of the excitement of a younger me waking up Christmas morning with my footie pajamas, racing to the tree to tear open presents as I shrieked with excitement – well, it was just good to feel 19 again.
2. Root vegetables: So often do root vegetables go unnoticed. We buy them. We eat them. But how often do we celebrate them? After a Skype date with a good friend from home, we both rejoiced over Thanksgiving and the proliferation of roasted root vegetables. I looked in my refrigerator and found none. Riding off the high of thinking of Thanksgiving, a holiday devoted to an orgy of food and pie, I spent Sunday morning at the Aligre market, my favorite, to stock up on some holiday-inspired veggies.
I bought some carrots, I kept some beets, I groped the gourds, and then I saw them – the root vegetable that I have been craving. Parsnips. One kilo of beautiful tubers went in my bag and my smile lit up the entire market.
3. Vanilla-scented candles and other assorted Christmas decorations: Did you say, “It’s too early?” And didn’t I tell you, “Shut up?” This weekend brought sheer holiday bliss even if the temperatures aren’t even worthy of a scarf. I headed to Belleville with a friend to explore the most time-honored Parisian Christmas tradition – purchasing decorations in Paris ’ Chinese bazaar markets.
Too early? Duh, no... |
Nothing screams Christmas more than a feathered boa or a silver-painted masquerade mask. Mixed among the glass balls, snow globes, garlands and Santas were charming scented candles. Vanilla, cinnamon, and of course the most holiday-of-holiday scents, cherry. Feeling that cherry would inspire too much cheer, I opted for vanilla and cinnamon and lit one while at home, hanging my lights – just for practice, you know, to see how they’ll look later…