Paris: The Last 5 Years
Oh hey, that's me! |
Some hallmark moments pass without even
noticing. October 5th marked the five year mark for a little boy
from Bucks County who found himself in Paris more or less by accident. Instead
of throwing a big party and going crazy, I was eating Japanese food in Lyon and
watching Indiana Jones in
anticipation for a marathon – not something that the Bryan of 2008 necessarily
had in mind.
This weekend, a neighbor asked me how long I’ve
been living in Paris, and my eyes widened as I realized it’s been 5 years. Long
enough to apply for citizenship. Long enough to be taken seriously by locals.
More importantly, long enough to know the difference between a good baguette
and a great baguette.
From working at a study abroad program during
the day and selling pizzas at night, with a short stint as a weekend brunch
cook in between there (oh Rose Bakery…), I started off in a unique position. I
didn’t have to come teach English, marry a Frenchman, or uproot my adult life
to move to Paris. I just had to leave my friend’s apartment floor in Manhattan
and pack a few sweaters. It was a comfortable floor. But I had a job, and for
the first time, money, in a city that I hardly knew. Paris welcomed Bryan with
open arms and a confused look each time I opened my mouth to speak French (cue photos of me!).
The first two years took me to Grenoble, Arles,
Strasbourg, and St-Malo among other places, while longer trips to Amsterdam,
Brussels, London, and a backpacking excursion through Spain helped me tick off
European locations that I thought I should see before going home. As I neared
the end of my work contract, and consequently my visa, I felt like I had “done”
Europe in the most superficial sense, but I wasn’t through. Still, work was
finished, and I appropriately celebrated my last day at the office by drinking
on the job, wearing wigs with coworkers, and nursing a bottle of vodka while in
line for the Lady Gaga concert. There,
now you know how real Parisians
Modeling with dinosaurs in Paris... |
After working in an academic setting, I realized, somewhat somberly, that I
wanted to go back to school. The vacation time was by no means least on my list
of reasons. It was a rejection letter from Columbia University more than an
acceptance letter from the Sorbonne Nouvelle that facilitated my decision.
America didn’t want me just yet, so I stayed. A master’s program awaited me
where, upon my very first class, I found the professor who would be my mentor
and inspiration up until the present-day. To finance my newfound student life, I
went to Copenhagen with a friend to learn how to make coffee properly before
becoming employed at her coffee shop adventure. I mean, obviously Copenhagen, right? Duh.
A few months of working as a barista and a cook
left me hungry (ironically) and poor (surprisingly), giving way to a new job opportunity that I hoped would
help pay the rent: tour guiding. Around the same time, I dabbled in some travel
writing with a local journalist, Heather, who would continue to keep me around.
It was around this time that I understood what being down and out really met. Thanks, Orwell. After giving free tours to
notoriously cheap backpackers in the dead of winter, I began working more
closely with Heather, giving private tours, while making new contacts in the
journalism world. Let’s call 2010-2012 the formative years, accruing contacts
and jobs as well as a passion for my studies and an extra hole in my ever
tightening belt.
By the end of my masters, I had started running
seriously, tour guiding seriously, and writing
seriously. Things were looking up. The best part? I was hardly ever hungry
anymore and buying food was, well, never an issue. I could even splurge on
things like meat!
A first marathon in the Médoc... |
Wine in baby bottles with sister... |
The step into the PhD world was a natural one,
as my mentor encouraged me and supported my project (I study what I know: travel
journalism and writing). I threw myself into silly things like reading,
researching, and finding pleasure in analyzing scientific articles.
By the end of 2012 I had completed my first marathon and 2013 gave me three more. I had presented at my first academic conference – exciting for, well, academics – and completed my first chapter for an actual book on journalism. I had gone on tour with the great-granddaughter of an Arabian king and visited Italy with my sister. I had organized four charity events based around cupcakes of all things in addition to securing, finally, a teaching position at the Sorbonne.
By the end of 2012 I had completed my first marathon and 2013 gave me three more. I had presented at my first academic conference – exciting for, well, academics – and completed my first chapter for an actual book on journalism. I had gone on tour with the great-granddaughter of an Arabian king and visited Italy with my sister. I had organized four charity events based around cupcakes of all things in addition to securing, finally, a teaching position at the Sorbonne.
You do this in Paris... |
You do this in Amsterdam... |
Where is Bryan? He’s training for the Paris half marathon in March, the full one in April, and hopefully something fun and exotic like Barcelona, Berlin, or Chicago afterwards.
Sometimes you meet donkeys wearing pants on an island off the Atlantic coast... |
Where is Bryan? He’s writing his thesis, with two years left, hoping that someday writing in French won’t seem so daunting, or at least that he’ll have a French keyboard to write more easily in his adopted language.
Sometimes you just find cows in the Alps... |
Where is Bryan? He’s in Paris, and happily so for the moment. Though things like lead-footed neighbors and constant hammering often amplify his rage towards Paris, even after 5 years it takes just one cheerful interaction with a neighbor or a sunny day along the Canal to make it all right again.