All About Bryan

Bryan PirolliBrooklyn-based Writer
Get in touch:

Email: bryan.pirolli[at]
Twitter: @WhereIsBryanP
Instagram: @WhereisBryanP

I was born in Philadelphia before spending four years at New York University, eight years living in Paris, two degrees from the Sorbonne, 18 months in London, four in Naples, and another three in Beijing. In 2019 it was back to New York. Living in Brooklyn in 2020 has been, well, an experience.

Today I teach at NYU and LIM College. On the side, I freelance where I can, writing travel guides, researching reports, and marketing projects for small businesses.

I created The Gay Locals, an LGBTQ tour company that runs in Paris. I also own and operate Travel Writers Lab, offering writing workshops and coaching to people around the world.

I'm a dual citizen, both American and French, and own bikes in both countries.


Beijing: Week 9


Beijing: Week 8